Nothing beats the taste of fresh mangoes. This is especially true when you eat them at just the right point of ripeness which I know is different for everyone. I like my mango not so ripe so I can taste a bit of sourness to balance the sweetness. Still, you have not really tasted mango if your only experience is the ones we get in supermarkets in North America or Europe. They have travelled far and have lost their freshness. So, next time you travel to places where mango is grown, get one and taste its fresh, heavenly flesh.
I still hanker for the taste of the tree ripened mangoes we would gather early morning under our mango tree. We headed there as soon as we woke up and when we're lucky one of those that ripened in the branches we could hardly reach. I still remember the smell and the taste. Where I grew up, each village claimed they grew the best mango. Who knows. And I thought that my country had the best mango until I visited Pakistan and happened to be there for the mango season. The hotel laid out various kinds of mangoes, at least 60 types. Some, I have never seen or tasted before. What a revelation. One bubble burst but wisdom gained.
10/2/2013 05:48:41 pm
A great memory. Comments are closed.
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