Life is a fantastic voyage: adventure, excitement, love, learning, travel, surprise. WOW! This trip has everything. Everything! Hey, and we know the destination, right! So we don't want the fastest means of travel. We want a long slow trip with time to savor, rest a bit, take time in the right places, and move on quickly when another stop disappoints. So this is all about the trip. Of course, some in your office call life a struggle! They live by the famous bumper stickers, "Life is hard, and then you die." "The best thing about each day is that it ends." It's up to you: Misery or adventure? What will your voyage be? Here are some simple things to remember, something we often take for granted in our pursuit of better travel tools, navigation aids, tips, new courses, new transport, exotic places. The market is so full of products and services to help us out in our journey, that often these things are just put aside for more colorful and attractive options. 1. Make a Travel Map With a map, you have the best chance of passing through the places that will interest you. You can't buy the plan. No one has ever had your journey before, so you have to draw your own. It will end up as a reverse diary, looking at what will happen tomorrow, not what happened today. There is nothing you can do about the history and everything you can do about what lies ahead. 2. Get a Primary Navigation System Nothing too complicated. First, get a notebook, so you don't lose this. Forget the jargon, the intricate frameworks, and programs. Just sit down and make your own. You know how to create lines and shapes and write. Let your imagination go. What you can imagine, you can do. Go to the start point for this new voyage. Now, think for a minute. This journey is not a powerboat trip. You are in a sailboat, winds change, and you have to go with them. Tides, currents, and rogue waves. You have to adjust for them all, but if you know very generally the experiences you want to have and the people and places you want to see, you will accommodate the rudder to keep you moving in the direction you want. What are these experiences you want? What environments do you want to experience? What adventures seem interesting? Write them all down. See the links. Are there clusters? 3. Adjust the Rudder Is your flopping around now going to give you these things? If not, how can you adjust the rudder, given the wind, the waves, and your navigation aids? Hey, talk to the other passengers. Speak to your family. They might be amazed! 4. Give Yourself a Break Often, we forget the essential part of living is doing the map for ourselves and our families. Stop. Look up. Look around. Where are you? In what country (real or imaginary) are you? Enjoy the moment. Sit down and be aware and conscious of what is going on within you and in the world. In our hurry, we miss so much. We get into such a frenzy that we can't even enjoy the very people we want to make happy. We don't listen to the sound of silence. Instead, we fill our lives with noise. 5. Welcome the New and the Unexpected Often, we protect ourselves from any of these. We want our lives undisturbed. We insulate ourselves from what is unique because it threatens us. So the break gives us some time to prepare ourselves to encounter the new, conquer our fears, and provide space for the new experience. 6. Pack Light! Many times, we take a new route, but we bring all the luggage. Just in case something happens. Something will happen now that you are ready and open, and your baggage in your mind will get in the way. Keep your experience, but abandon most baggage. 7. Listen to Your Restlessness It is another word for awareness and readiness for change. Look in the paper for short seminars or courses on things that interest you. Get a book that talks to you about change and moving in life. Look at stages. Read about others that have thrived on life as a travel experience. 8. Enjoy the Scenery Some people spend so much time planning the next trip that they never do see the joy of the one they are taking now. Suddenly, the journey is over, and they never visited anything. They just got to the destination. As you journey, 9. Share the Road Help those who need your help on the way. Respect the things you see around you. The more you give away, the more will come back to you. I am not a flower child -- this works. 10. Enjoy the Company Share and celebrate life with the people you meet on the road. You might never see them again as they are on a journey, too. Connect with those you meet on the way. More and more, you will see how interconnected we all are. And remember, there is a world of difference between being alone and being lonely.
Don't ever let the movement of the mob be confused as part of your life's journey. Start now! Get the notebook. Live the adventure. You get one go around! Do you ever wish you are a different person? Nobody wants to be in a being who is suffering, feeling victimized and unworthy, insecure, and unhappy. In the past, each time I get an invitation, the first reaction is to find reasons not to go. I get panicky about what to wear. I start wondering what to say in a conversation or how we're going to handle the payment. The other day I got a call from my late husband's cousin inviting me to a dinner in their golf club. My anxiety went up as I feel awkward to be in these places. I couldn't say no, but my mind rushed to thinking of reasons to get out of this engagement. I am not sure if I will feel at ease with them. I never worried about this before because my husband would always carry the conversation. I never had to say anything unless directly asked, and as the conversation flows smoothly with him around, I had never worried. I probably tried on so many dresses to make sure I dressed appropriately, not embarrass my adopted cousins. We have not seen each other since the COVID lockdown, so I was a bit apprehensive. The day came, and the weather was terrible. Possibly, I could convince them to cancel. I tried, but they responded that they had called the club and they're fine. So, I prepared myself for the pick-up. When I entered the car, I saw that my cousin's husband was in shorts. My cousin, who casually dressed, assured me that everything goes. I saw when I came in that people there wore whatever was comfortable. It was their second home. That made me feel at ease. As we're still maintaining social distancing, we wore masks in the car and ate in the outdoors. The dining room is very spacious that even with many people there, we had enough space away from other diners, which made for a more lively conversation. Being my first time to be with these cousins on my own, I worried earlier what to say, but as the dinner progressed, the conversation became smooth and enjoyable. I entered fully into it, expressing my views freely. For them, this must have been the first time they have heard much from me. The conversation was so compelling that we ended with a greater desire to see each other more. Reflecting on this experience, I saw how much I have changed as a person. I seem comfortable with everyone, happy to engage with them, and valued my contribution. I started to feel my worth as a person. What changes have I recently made to my life that brought about this new being I love? Here is the most crucial step I took. A friend of mine recommended that I check out the workshop on transforming yourself. This friend told me that with the new science of epigenetics, I could even change my genes. So, I went to YouTube and looked at some of the videos on epigenetics. I started educating myself on the more effective personal transformation. My friend also suggested I check out the workshop of Dr. Joe Dispenza. After watching several videos on meditation, I saw how crucial this practice is to the change I want. So, I started meditating, and the changes I experienced encouraged me to go on. I did this for about two weeks until my friend convinced me to take Dr. Dispenza's workshop. Thanks for the time COVID has given us, I ventured into the workshop. I have meditated before, but this workshop led me to the most intense experience in my life. I found myself tuning in to the unknown, the place of possibilities where I find my new potential. I don't get any commission from this website, but the transformation I see in myself pushes me to share this program. I feel so happy about my new self, the new person I created in this workshop.
What is important is that you seek your inner transformation. Once you start, the forces around will help you. |
For those who love travel, here are some of my top recommendations of places to visit.
Click on the picture to know more of these places: Archives
October 2021