9 Simple Ways of Making Someone Happy
Happiness exists inside every healthy person
Whether anyone else can actually make them happy is unclear but we can help remove obstacles to their happiness so that it emerges as their default directory rather than a once in a while grin or laugh.
Whether anyone else can actually make them happy is unclear but we can help remove obstacles to their happiness so that it emerges as their default directory rather than a once in a while grin or laugh.
The objective for all of us is to have a sense of well being, a sense of being wanted, a sense of achievement, and a feeling that we are, at least, capable of being loved.
The role of others in supporting this seems fairly clear. Clear compliments when they're deserved and not just to the individual but in front of others. When compliments are not deserved, they simply irritate and reduce our own credibility.
The role of others in supporting this seems fairly clear. Clear compliments when they're deserved and not just to the individual but in front of others. When compliments are not deserved, they simply irritate and reduce our own credibility.
Out with criticism
Removing criticism of behaviours over which individuals have little or no control or which only irritate the person commented. Reminding people of crooked teeth or a funny walk or an absence of athletic skills or an inability to concentrate is just defeating.
If the individual knows they can't do much about their behaviour or capability, the comments can only reduce happiness and encourage people to bury their own feelings.
Removing criticism of behaviours over which individuals have little or no control or which only irritate the person commented. Reminding people of crooked teeth or a funny walk or an absence of athletic skills or an inability to concentrate is just defeating.
If the individual knows they can't do much about their behaviour or capability, the comments can only reduce happiness and encourage people to bury their own feelings.
Include people...make them part of things
Helping people to be part of things, making them feel they're wanted and that they're interesting to be with is a great happiness builder.
Loneliness is the enemy of happiness as the sense of isolation and the distance to others destroys self-confidence and self-worth. Showing an interest in activities affirms self-worth and knocks down the barriers to happiness.
Helping people to be part of things, making them feel they're wanted and that they're interesting to be with is a great happiness builder.
Loneliness is the enemy of happiness as the sense of isolation and the distance to others destroys self-confidence and self-worth. Showing an interest in activities affirms self-worth and knocks down the barriers to happiness.
Bring the best out of people
Becoming a person who is respected for bringing the best out in people usually leads to the happiness of the individual with a reputation. You help others see their worth and this gives you the kind of life purpose that lets your personal happiness shine through.
Most individuals can achieve this if they understand that happiness is not an external event of circuses and balloons but is an internal event that gives people the assurance that they're important to others and cared for by their community.
Becoming a person who is respected for bringing the best out in people usually leads to the happiness of the individual with a reputation. You help others see their worth and this gives you the kind of life purpose that lets your personal happiness shine through.
Most individuals can achieve this if they understand that happiness is not an external event of circuses and balloons but is an internal event that gives people the assurance that they're important to others and cared for by their community.
So, have you done some simple acts to make others happy lately? It does not take so much and the joy you feel doing this is much more of a reward. Just try it.
The more you do this, the more energy you’ll have in pursuing your own goals. Besides, isn’t making a difference in someone’ s day enough of a reward?
Below is a picture of the lady who asked me to take her picture as I passed by the restaurant she worked in. I obliged immediately and each time I look at that smile, I feel her joy.
The more you do this, the more energy you’ll have in pursuing your own goals. Besides, isn’t making a difference in someone’ s day enough of a reward?
Below is a picture of the lady who asked me to take her picture as I passed by the restaurant she worked in. I obliged immediately and each time I look at that smile, I feel her joy.
9 Simple Ways You Can Make Someone Happy
1. Smile at people in the streets. It's free but it brings more joy to our world.
2. Thank someone for what they have done or for just being who they are to you. Do this before they pass on and you can no longer make them know how much they meant to you.
3. Bake something and share it with an old person who no longer bakes.
4. Call up a friend you have not talked to for years. With so many platforms now that offer us ways of communicating for free, let's do this.
5. Sit in a church or temple and just sit for even 10 minutes…or 5 if this is all you can manage. You will give yourself peace and this is what you will share as you go on with your walk.
6. Look at your self straight in the eye and tell yourself how wonderful you are. When you do this, you will feel happy inside and this is key to making others fell happy, too.
7. Make a card and send it to a family member to make them know they’re special.
1. Smile at people in the streets. It's free but it brings more joy to our world.
2. Thank someone for what they have done or for just being who they are to you. Do this before they pass on and you can no longer make them know how much they meant to you.
3. Bake something and share it with an old person who no longer bakes.
4. Call up a friend you have not talked to for years. With so many platforms now that offer us ways of communicating for free, let's do this.
5. Sit in a church or temple and just sit for even 10 minutes…or 5 if this is all you can manage. You will give yourself peace and this is what you will share as you go on with your walk.
6. Look at your self straight in the eye and tell yourself how wonderful you are. When you do this, you will feel happy inside and this is key to making others fell happy, too.
7. Make a card and send it to a family member to make them know they’re special.
8. Bring an old person a bouquet, a small pot of flowers or a basket of your Fall Harvest from your garden.
9. Pay forward a cup of coffee. Surprise someone.
9. Pay forward a cup of coffee. Surprise someone.
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Have you made someone happy today? Or, has someone made you happy today?
And don't forget to share this with your friends who have made you happy.
And don't forget to share this with your friends who have made you happy.