The longest serving Navy aircraft carrier of the 20th century, the USS Midway now sits in the harbour of San Diego as a floating museum. As with most modern museums, it is design for engagement and interaction with the hundreds of thousands of visitors it hosts each year. All of those is supported by an absolute army of retired naval types who can hardly wait to share their experiences and knowledge of both the historic and the modern navy. Almost a thousand feet long and 250 feet wide, the Midway has deck after deck of aircraft and displays that get you involved in every aspect of naval air warfare from the First World War through the spectacular battle of Midway that changed the direction of war in the Pacific in the 1940s through to the expansion of fast jet-warfare in Vietnam and TOP GUN. The Midway is an apologetic presentation of American air supremacy at sea over the last hundred years and it is so well done even some of those who were at the sharp end of the process seemed to be happy visitors. This aircraft carrier rescued lives of many Vietnamese refugees from their distressed boats. There are lots of parking for your visit. Don't miss the tours and hear the interesting stories of the many volunteers. Allow at least 4 hours of your time to enjoy the visit. If you're lucky, you might see one or two nuke carriers being refurbished just across the bay.
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September 2024